Monthly Meeting Wednesday 7:30pm April 21
April 21, 2021 ECSCC Meeting Activity
It has been a long and difficult winter and many of our members have been toiling away in their garages, shops and ’sheds’ working hard on their beloved automotive projects.
For the April 21st meeting on Zoom, let’s each take a few minutes and share with our fellow members the state of our projects, any challenges that we encountered and how we overcame them.
Let’s budget about 10 minutes each to talk about and present our project/s and if you have any pictures or video, please submit them to Art Rutledge. Art will play the pictures back from his computer during the meeting.
Send your pictures to;
We are all looking forward to seeing what everyone has been working on this winter.
Stuart Serediuk
ECSCC Meeting Coordinator
ZOOM link available on events calendar