Model T Races Bruderhem Sept 2
We need to get to the site early in order to secure a parking spot close to the race circuit.
So, if you are going OYO, aim to get to Bruderheim by about 8.45 AM, and if you get there before us try to reserve us some space😊
If you would like to drive with us, Rolly and I will be departing from:
· Shell Gas Station, 927, St Albert Trail (near “Michael’s: on east side of the North end of St Albert Trail.
· Departure time 7.45 AM sharp
Allow extra time to get through the never-ending road construction in this part of St Albert Trail
This is a long day, so bring plenty of drinks and food and sun screen. There are food trucks on site, but the line ups and wait times have been lengthy in previous years.
Model T