This page will show you how to add and publish material on the club website.

Material to be published such as Open Road Articles, Upcoming Events, Event write-ups etc are actually “Posts” in the nomenclature of WordPress (WordPress is the platform that supports the club website). You do not need to be a software engineer or web developer to publish a post. It is very similar to a comment on Facebook, or an email to a friend.

Adding a new “Post” to Upcoming Events or The Open Road

Here is a list of hints on using the website to contribute content such as Upcoming Events. Open Road Articles etc. Posts allow non technical contributors to add timely content to the ECSCC WebSite.

Click on “+ New” at the top of this (and all other) pages. This will take you to an input screen where you can enter a post to the site. Use the options on the input page to select the category, and publishing details for your post.

Enter the text and media (such as photos, YouTube links, PDF files etc) on the page as you wish to see them. If entering media such as a PDF file for the Open Road make sure you put some text above it on the page such an excerpt from the PDF so that there is a “teaser” after the title that will show on the listings.

Here is a short video showing the process.